5-15 July 2007. Mission Trip to Siliguri

An organized group of Chiropractic Interns from Murdoch University in Australia, accompanied by veteran field doctors, provided basic medical and Chiropractic care in Siliguri.

Other group services included fundraising for school equipment, toys for children, and clean water. Group participants include:

Dr Jonathan Mann, Dr Ben Harrison, Dr Julie Frost, Elisha Robb, Tamika Craig, Chad O’Connor, Catherine Reddie, Sarah Skilton, Adam Ratajewski, Michelle Zhou, Richard Lee Kai Hwang, Carries O’Neil, Candice Haynes, Suzanne Kippen, Tracey Saunders, Kerry Denning, Andrew Wilkinson, Lichia Cheong, Yousef Dias, Paul Harland, Alicia Watson, Charlene Lees, Joanna Revilla, Michelle Hand, Asha Burkett, and Lisa Huisman.

11,12 & 13 November 2006

Dr. Daniel Yen and two physiotherapists (Jitender Tyagi and Sunil Turlapati) took participation in holding a charitable health camp at Samagam in Sant Nirankari Colony, Charitable Dispensary, Ground Number 4, New Delhi.

June 2006

A group of Australian Chiropractic students held a free health camp in Silliguri, West Bengal in June 2006. Student Doctor Brett Dellar led the team of students and doctors from Murdoch University in Australia.

News & Blogs

Wisdom Teeth

31 Aug, 2014

Impacted wisdom teeth can become painful and problem...


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